Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Are you all ready because I have quite the story that I swore to myself I was not going to tell this week. Its definitely 'not' the sort of thing that you have to write down somewhere so that you don't forget to tell the story at your sons Poor kid. so here we go
Today is NOT Thursday and I am NOT starting this post early just so I don't forget to dish the good stuff.
This morning when I was getting dressed for the day I did not pass by the bathroom and think. Okay. What the heck is Kyler doing. I did not hear bubbles and water.He did not turn around to show me that he was drinking water/blowing bubbles out of the pot from his potty. And he was most definitely not getting that water out of the toilet. And I can NOT believe I'm Not telling anyone that . I did not try and pretend that I hadn't seen for a second to save myself the
I am not going to stop writing this post now and wait until its just a little closer to Monday to finish it.
It is now officially not Monday and not much else has happened. My Dear Husband did not catch Kyler trying to get toilet water with his potty AGAIN and I did not wonder for how long this little game has been going on before we knew about it. Being as extremely organized as I am I did not forget to pick up one of those toilet seat locks while at Walmart Yesterday. Something that important would not slip my mind.
We went to Malanka on Saturday and when everyone had to comment on how cute Kyler is I did not smile and say thanks while I thought to myself..Yeah and I know And when asked by a friend if he was possibly a little person living in a big world I did not laugh and agree that that was a possibility. I mean this kid is SMALL .Ridiculously small compared to his older brothers. But Ive been assured he is growing normally so I guess hes just petite :)
I did not let my boys bob for apples in the kitchen the other day and take a million pictures that no one will ever see . The boys were shirtless and for fear of being reported to child protection services no on will EVER see those pictures. Keaton looks Ethiopian which considering he eats more than I - I don't know how its possible.
I also did not have to laugh just for a second in my head when Kolby threw a fit on the stairs at Malanka and caused himself to fall down them. I would never do that...My poor boy was scared how could I ever think it was funny on any level that he was throwing a fit and pretty much threw himself down the stairs before realizing what the consequences would be.And FYI. He was fine. Just a little Hreeaked out as he would say. Or Hreeeaky. I also do not get a huge kick out of the way he says so many things (he'll most likely need speech therapy) But for now it is definitely not cute.
What else. I have definitely not been eating stuff that I shouldnt be and only lost .6 of a pound in the last week and a half. Im not happy with myself just for the simple fact that I didnt gain... And I most definately didnt buy an exercise bike yesterday just because my husband has now lost 2 more pounds than me so I need to kick it into high gear. Because I am most definately not competitive. Speaking of which. At Malanka they had a silent auction and I did not bid on a really cute pink Roxy purse filled with goodies that every 14 year old girl in the country would love. Despite the fact that I am 26. I did not say I was only going to bid up to $50 and end up bidding up to $95 just because there was someone else I knew interested and it turned into a competition. Once they said they were done bidding I did NOT immediately think. Uh oh! I dont want it that bad! I was not sick the rest of the night thinking 'I could pay for my new camera lens with that!' I was Not relieved when last minute someone else came out of the wings from nowhere beating my bid and winning it. I would NEVER get carried away like that on a quest to win. Thats just foolish and petty. Not me.
OOPS Had to add something that I did NOT forget to clarify. The toilet was flushed so it was at least clean toilet water. Still Nasty Gross but not nearly as disturbing as it would have been if big brothers hadnt flushed as

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