Sunday, January 11, 2009

Exciting Evening

Tyson Is at the Edmonton Oilers game tonight. The boys are in bed. The Golden Globes are on TV and I am bored. Ive spent as much time as I can playing with my camera today so Ive had enough of that...And as a result Im on here.

Today while I caught up on blogs that I hadnt read in a few days I was looking at 4 little Men and Britney was asking for Recipe ideas which made me think. How many days have I had the same problem... supper time is suddenly here and I still have no idea what Im making. Im always looking for new recipes and always have trouble finding something quick and easy that the boys will like. So I got the idea...

check it out...Join in...The more people that share meal ideas the better it will be.

As for what happened in my life today. First thing Keaton was Mad at me because I wouldnt let him wake up at 6 am. Shortly after Kyler woke up so I gave him a bottle. THEN minutes after I got Kyler back down Kolby was crawling in bed with me.Tyson was at work so finally around 7:30 I drug myself out of bed since I obviously was not going to get more sleep.

Tyson worked until around 1 and then bundled up the boys to go outside and shovel.again. It seems like the snow is never going to end this year. Kyler was napping so that was the Opportunity I had to work on 'Eat Your Supper'

At 3 Tyson left for the game so I hung out with the boys...Keaton and Kolby snuggled playing Nintendo DS... Keaton sang Kyler Lullaby,Lullaby,Lull-a-bye Kyler over and over again while I rocked Kyler. He just lay there giggling loving every second of it.

At bedtime Kyler had to go give Keaton kisses and say Na Na Bwa( Nigh Night Brother) What a cutie pie. Well.In most honesty I do not have alot to say- hence the rather exciting rundown of my day. lol. Check out the new blog and feel free to contribute any ideas :)

Coming Soon... Keatons Birthday Party!

Have a Good night


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