Friday, November 20, 2009

It is fix it friday again over at I♥Faces... And frankly. Im sure this must be a record for me. 3 weeks in a row!!

Okay here's the original... not hard to work with considering how darn adorable this little girl is. LOVE her.

Okay and here is my first edit.

I played with the curves and cropped

increased the saturation a wee bit

ran the following actions at different opacities: green with envy(on the leaves) yin/yang, o snap, and pro retouched her cheeks a bit :)

I then selected her eyes and ran the unsharp mask.

And for #2 all I did after the above was run the actions:

Grandmas Tap Shoes at about 40%

Boutwell Magic glasses 100%

and added the texture... Dirty Diana which I erased off of her face. BTW... all of the above actions are Totally Rad Actions and they are just that. TOTALLY RAD. love em.


Martha said...

Oh, wow! love your fix. Isn't this a fun project every Friday? I can't wait for Friday to get here so I can work on an I ♥ Faces assignment. Love what you did to it this week. ~Martha

Sharon said...

I love Totally Rad too! So much fun to watch their tutorials!

Anonymous said...

Great edits! What a fun way to spend Friday mornings!

Anonymous said...

Both edits are lovely, but the second one is one of my favorites so far...really nice!