Monday, February 9, 2009

Not me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

OH MY. This week I did not think. OH. I am not going to partake in Not Me Monday. Only to see the $30 giveaway ... check out the site...fall in love with the product...and then force myself to sit down and post just so Id have a chance to win. Not Me!

I am not in a bit of a funk lately...super stressed...or worried that if my husbands company doesn't pick up asap that I will be homeless in no time. Because I'm easy going ... I would never worry 24-7 about something like that. I most definitely wouldn't add it to my nightly prayers and then feel guilty because there's so much harder things out there that I could be going through. And I MOST DEFINITELY have not made myself an impossible list of To Dos to complete in my house to keep me distracted. Not me. Oh and FYI...Keatons , Kolbys, and Kylers rooms all look immaculate...are finished being painted and re arranged... The Bathroom. As you saw in my earlier post about grout scrubbing...the bathroom looks great too. Oh wait. Not me. I am not entertaining myself with chores. And Most Definitely am not starting on my bedroom today and dreading every second of it. I may be broker than Ive ever been... But my house is going to be super clean! lol. I am not a poet and didn't know it.

I am not going to give up on this posting thing. And did not just delete the rest of my post by attempting to add a link... previewing it ... and everything being gone. What the!? I am not too lazy to retype the rest. And I cannot believe that I am NOT posting about deleting it with all of that that has been happening in my posts lately. What the heck am I doing !? No. I'm NOT losing

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