Monday, January 4, 2010

A little creative cooking

Last night before bed I made sure to take out some fish for supper tonight... when it came time to start preparing it I pulled it out of the fridge to discover it was still frozen...
So what did I do?
Improvise. Back in the fridge with the fish until tomorrow and I started to scavenge for something else to make... which is when I found this Old El Paso Soft taco bake kit that I bought ages ago. Only problem... I have nothing to make it with.
Because I'm creative like that.
So Out came 6 frozen hamburger patties... a jar of salsa my mother in law made ages ago that I forgot was stored in the crawl space... and a container of expired. Yes. expired sour cream. There was no way I was getting out of my pajamas and loading three kids up to go to the grocery store by myself at 5:00. Sour cream is that- sour cream right? So how bad can it really go! Then when it came to the point that I was mashing up the hamburger patties in Tyson's favorite frying pan with a metal(eek! don't tell him! lol) potato masher I just thought that the situation was so sad that it warranted a photo and its own blog post. In the end it turned out alright... meaning the kids loved it... and I thought it was mediocre. So there you go... Next time you think you have nothing good to make for supper look to me for inspiration! HA!

In other news today... I got the date right on my photo!! I had another one chosen of Keaton and Kolby together but then when my camera made its way in for bath time with Kyler I fell in love with the photos so much that I had to use one... So Kolby and Keaton can wait for another day... There are 365 you know so I'm sure they will have their time to shine!

Also on the menu today... One seven year old who is growing up far too fast... but more on that and my depression of 'my babies are growing up' later. For today I have to share that while I was constructing our Gourmet supper Keaton was being suspiciously quiet in the bathroom... at which point he emerges... coming quickly to the stove to share some new with me. He just pulled out his own tooth.
Yes you heard me right.
I cannot imagine doing that myself at 7... I probably would have cried and fainted.
So with that I have reminded myself to run back downstairs so the tooth fairy can make her 4th visit in less than a year... with three more coming soon judging by the crazy amount of loose teeth my boy has.

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