August 16, 2011
5:00am: Woke up to get ready for the day
6:00am: Grandma arrives to follow us to the hospital, we head out
8:45am: Arrive at the hospital and are escorted to the Induction area.
10:00am: Have a cervix check prior to starting the induction. I am already 4 centimeters!!
10:30am: We're all checked into our labor and delivery room, We have met our Doctors, Dr. Tsui and I believe Dr.Campbell. As well as our Nurse Laura, and met a couple people that will be on the babies NICU teams. Laura starts me on a drug to induce labor. Starts with an O. cant remember the name.
12:00pm: I get my epidural BEFORE the pain even gets bad. Can anyone say AWESOME!? They do another cervical check and I am only 5cm. At this point I'm discouraged and think this is going to be one LONG labor as I've only went 1cm and contractions were almost constant. I think this is also the point where they break baby A's water.
From here on out I don't remember times... There was music on the radio... a couple foot rubs... and Laura was kind enough to let me chew gum even though I wasn't supposed to in case we ended up needing a C-section. At one point Baby A was having some decels so almost instantly the room filled with people. they put one of those little monitors onto his scalp... and everything looked perfect once again. Turns out, Baby A just wanted Laura's attention. I kid you not. EVERY SINGLE TIME she left the room he would have a decel and the alarms would start ringing... If she stayed in the room, all was good!
3:30pm: after staying 30 minutes past the end of her shift Laura finally left after determining babies were going to be stubborn and NOT be born during her shift. Literally 5 minutes after Laura left I told our new nurse (sorry, her name escapes me right now) That I was starting to feel some pressure. a few minutes later Dr Tsui was in the room and doing a check. I was 10cm! She asked me to give just a little push and see what which point she excitedly tells me to stop NOW unless I want baby A born right here right now, without any of the other doctors or the NICU teams!
3:40pm: the people start to flood in, there is a flurry of activity as both NICU teams prepare for the babies and both Doctors get all of their gear on and get the bed ready for me to push.
I'm going to guess here and say 3:45pm... they tell me to push with the next contraction.. I think I pushed twice during that contraction and Kullen Benjamin was born at 3:47pm... All I could say is 'Does he EVER look like Kyler'
I didn't get a chance to hold him right away as the NICU staff whisked him away to assess him (he was the anemic twin)
Dr. Campbell breaks baby B's water and informs us that Baby B has done exactly what he is supposed to and dropped right down... They seem shocked it went so well... and tell me I can already push again with the next contraction... It seems like forever before there is another. Finally I can feel the contraction start and it is time to push- again... and Knox Greyson is born with that contraction at 3:52pm, five minutes after his brother.
This time Daddy is able to cut the cord ( he wasn't allowed with baby A) They sneak me a quick peek and Knox is off with the NICU team as well.
Kullens NICU staff calls over to tell us he is a whopping 6lbs 9ounces (That is HUGE for 36 week twins) They bring him over to me and tell me he is doing GREAT... He is a little pale and that when I see Knox it'll be clear who the donor and recipient twins were. Knox's NICU team calls over telling us he is 6lbs15ounces! Everyone is completely shocked by
a)how smoothly their birth went
b)how HUGE they both are and
c)how well they are doing.
Dr. Tsui informs us that it NEVER goes this well and she is just amazed.
NICU team 2 Brings Knox over, he is doing great as well, and I am able to hold both of my baby boys together for the first time! Holding both boys I knew what the NICU team meant when they said it was obvious who the donor and recipient twins were... Here I have pale Mr. Kullen, and Mr. Knox looks like a tomato! They detected the TAPS soon enough that there were absolutely NO problems aside from the drastic color difference.
Coming soon, The babies first 24 hours, and home coming!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Happy Birthday!
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