Sunday, November 30, 2008

The calm after the storm :)

The Craft Sale is all done :) We sold quite a few baskets actually but not enough yet to pay ourselves back... which is fine since my mom is going to take them into her office to try and get rid of some and I am going to Stalk everyone I know that still has Christmas gifts to buy! And we sold the favorite Diaper cake of was so pretty and pink...I will miss seeing it in my house!lol. check it out if you want its still on my basket blog
I only sell locally so sorry if you were interested :) Just thought you might want to see that diaper cake. It was seriously gorgeous...if you watch the baby slide show there is a pic of it all wrapped up on there. Can you tell I have three boys! I just cant stop talking about Pink

I discovered on Tuesday that they will not be judging the houses until Dec 17th so I now have plenty of time to finish my yard decor before then- which Ive already had a ton of compliments so wait until they see the finished product!

The Kitchen? The rest of the cupboards are done and I told my husband that while he was hunting I was going to work on tile. I'm on here instead. Priorities. I know.

Have I told you lately my boys are gorgeous. Seriously. Nothing is more amazing to me than how much a parent loves their children ... even when they're driving you crazy they're cute!

Keaton is the smart crafty one. The one who goes to school and the teacher is amazed because he knows how to do everything before she teaches it to him , he is a sponge ,remembers EVERYTHING. We were at the store today and I asked you know where Kolby put that toy down? he took me across the store, down the aisle and around the corner. There the toys was. with the dinnerware!lol.

Kolby is the imaginative one. he loves any type of superhero and any type of 'weapon' It is the funniest thing to watch him watch tv-he reenacts everything that is going on in the show.And I mean EVERTYTHING.In star wars when the princess is knocked unconscious by Anniken obi-wan reaches down and checks her pulse Kolby reaches down and checks his imaginary princess' pulse. Sorry. I think her name is Queen Amadala maybe.I'm not all that much into Starwars- I'm just subjected to

Kyler. Not 100% sure yet but what I do know is that anything with wheels will get rode and pushed around the house with motor noises endlessly. He is most definitely into the typical boys toys - tractors , trucks , bobcats especially since his daddy has one for work. He is also the snuggler , he just melts into you and actually pushes hard against me to snuggle more. Hes a definite mix between the two big brothers. So smart and so Imaginative... Nothings more fun than seeing your kids personalities emerge :)

Well. That's all for Today ; I think I'll go start tiling .

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Busy Busy

No, I have not posted in a while. Okay . to be specific 9 Alot has happened... the 13th was my Husbands birthday and we had our first overnight date in 2 years! We went to an Edmonton Oilers game... stayed at a casino and gambled away an entire $15. Horrible , I It was the first time I have ever gambled.Other than scratch tickets... do they count?lol.

More recently Tyson finally started putting our upper cabinets up- most likely due to my(time out. I had to go change by far the stinkiest diaper in a while.whew.) Ok. most likely due to my constant reminder that last year he promised me they would be done before christmas (yes.2007, not this year) So I have been tiling. And finishing Gift Baskets since my craft sale is only a week and a half away. Oh wait. AND making an entire set of plywood decorations (life size)from the movie Rudolph the rednosed reindeer and the island of misfit toys.... all in an attempt to win this years twinkle tour that is now only a week and a half away as well. OH MY. Kay I have to get off the computer and do After I put up a couple pictures :)
Our Christmas Cards... what do you think. Grandma- shut your eyes.

My messy messy mid-tiling/installing cupboards. Gross. I know - but I couldnt help is much cleaner now and this small pieceof tiling is done. Now about 80% more to do....and then lots of mudding and taping to fix our 65 year old dry wall and tysons new wiring for a light overmy sink. I wanted it in the roof above the sink. He wanted it here ... I should start a poll. LOL. I dont think I will ever find a light fixture that will look good there but hey - I have to let him make some of the decisions so he can feel like he wears the

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today is Remembrance Day

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Please Remember all the people who fought for us , gave their lives to protect ours.
I don't think we will ever be able to show enough appreciation but Today is a good start. Take a moment in silence and say a prayer and a thank you for all those Men and Women.

Thank you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

New word

Kyler has a new word to add to the list :)

Ba-der.... Brother ! too cute :)

we were trying to get him to say Keaton and instead he said ba-der. We usually say brothers which is probably why he related that rather than their names... soooo cute.


Heres my list of should be doing: -sweep and mop-clean the bathroom-finish giftbaskets and start putting tags/prices on-clean up the yard since its snowing-Laundry-sort through and get rid of a ton of the boys clothes-mudding and taping my fireplace-finishing my 5 foot reindeer and starting on the 6 foot that sounds ridiculous without more of the story.

What I am doing:-sitting on the laptop with all my kids and I still in our jammies

What I am going to do: -get dressed and bake cookies.-possibly go shopping for stuff to make more Hannah Montana gift baskets. since Im not done the ones I already have cluttering my

So thats how my days looking so far : ) Thought Id

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Star Wars and Chickens



and Darth Vader. Ok . Its Kolby. I know I had you all fooled for a minute.

Spooky Halloween.

I am the crazy lady on the block. that about sums up the pictures. Actually it would be more accurate if I said in the town. No one else in town decorates even remotely close to the extent I do for halloween and I think we can blame that on my addiction to scary movies/books. Halloween is the only time of year that you can go all crazy and really do anything -so I do... And the kids love it. The saw guy? That is me sitting in my Antique rocking chair on the deck all night! Keaton sat out there with me for close to two hours because he was having such a blast scaring people. It was great. We had the spooky music and the fog machine going with the risk of looking like a crazy to all the other more 'reserved' houses in town... Im fine with that. My kids had fun , Tyson and I had fun... and the towns kids loved it too : ) Halloween and Christmas are my favorite things to decorate for so just wait and see my house at Christmas... Ive got some new decorations in the works already! lol.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I honestly cant believe its November Already! Time flies when your having fun I guess. Big things happening this month... its my hubbys birthday in a couple weeks... and I have to kick the christmas shopping into high gear...Last year I was pretty much done by this time... this year? not even close. Tyson and I will have our first overnight date in 2 years (hopefully- crossing my fingers.) and my mom and I's first craft show for our giftbaskets : )

nats nats nats...(snacks , snacks , snacks) Kyler just brought me a mini bag of Doritos from trick or treating :) When did it happen that my baby isnt really a baby anymore! Hes turned into this handsome, goofy , happy little boy who just likes to giggle dance and have nats. lol . I think its really been hitting me the last week because he has put his talking into high gear so he 'talks' like crazy- making him seem so much bigger.

Heres his current vocabulary

Maama- Grandma

Momma/Mom-Me : )


koaka- kolby

nats - snacks

uff ou - love you

mad- mad- He was playing with the remote and brought it to me saying mad mad mad...

at first I wasnt sure what he was saying until I said- Is momma

mad at you for touching- and he shook his head yes way too

cute. I always tell him sternly - momma is mad at you for

(blank) I know. Hardcore but maybe its

working :)


this- this - for anything he wants. Mainly his soother.

boo- for peek a boo

baba- for his baba

la-la-bye for lullaby... no one else heard this so Im sure Tyson thinks I imagined it. but It was

clear as day when I was singing to him(poor

Im sure theres more that I'll have to add. I can never think of it when I want to ... the exact reason I need to keep track of it on here